Thursday, October 11, 2012

Exciting News....

So excited to share some news!!!

We will be expecting our third little bundle of joy in early February!!!

We are so excited, overwhelmed and giddy to be able to welcome another child, a little girl into our family. We look forward to our continuing exciting adventure being parents to our little ones.

With that said...we have TONS of project we need to complete before the little one arrives. Shifting rooms and sleeping arrangements around to make room for number three is going to be fun, stressful and in the end hopefully make us more organized.

Hope to share some of these little DIY project and room renovations in the upcoming months...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

No Whining....

Image via Pinterest

LOVING these (in my opinion) words of wisdom from a blog post over at Kind Over Matter from awhile back. Loving everything about this image - the colors, the rustic look and the words that seem to be speaking to me everyday right now!!! What words of wisdom inspire you???

Working on some logo love and marketing package fun this week! Hopefully I can share some of the projects with you soon!

Happy Tuesday!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012 has been awhile

It is crazy to think that I have not posted on here since early May. I have been feeling a little guilty lately not posting anything on the blog, but have also realized that there are number of things that have been going on around here and blogging has just not been one of them. I do, however, feel that blogging is a creative expression and something that I should do weekly, just to get the wiggles out, share something that is amazing, or hopefully share a tutorial now and then. I love to look at  blogs - so what not put some creativity in my own?

This first post back is dedicated to what has been going on family and business wise. What the home looks like is a completely different post, since I am still in the process of figuring out what I am doing around the house...

We had birthdays for our little ones - celebrating our little girl turning 4 and our little man turning 2. We enjoyed time at the beach for the little mans birthday on top of the in town celebrations - which was a much needed get away for our little family.

Karis, 4 years old

Tyler, 2 years old

I still find it simply amazing that we have two children. I am amazed that they are learning something new everyday and teaching me something new everyday too. I am amazed that my little girl is going to preschool in a few weeks and Tyler is no longer a baby, but a toddler.

We have had dance classes and swim lessons to keep us going. We have had stay at home vacation days to just hang out and have been loving the Olympics has been on for the past week.

Side job work has been busy. So busy that I decided to take the month off from making hair accessories in July to try and get some things done around that house white the kiddos were napping. I got a few walls painted and choose to play with kids the rest of the time.

Karis Kisses Boutique

The side job work of graphic design for logos has been pretty intense as well. I think I took the time from closing down my hair accessory shop to work on logos for clients and get a little house painting in on the side.

Everything Modern Designs
Although it seems from this post that there has been a lot going on, and there has, there have also been days where it is considered a Jammy Day...which tend to be my favorite!

So my goal for the week to work up a new blog post and hopefully it will continue for weeks to come!

Happy Monday all!


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May Color Fun for Graphics and Life!!!

Crushing on these colors right now!!! And succulents for that matter!!!

Photo of the succulent bouquet found on The Perfect Palette. Colors that were selected from their site are beautiful and inspiring. But what I inspired me from their photo and palette were the turquoise, avocado and butter tones.


Everything Modern Design color fun for May

These compliment each other so nicely and work together graphically and in art prints. Not mention I am seeing these color everywhere from clothing, wedding and interiors.

 These are the colors that I hope to bring into my graphic designs this month!!!

What colors are you crushing on right now?


Monday, May 7, 2012

Weekend Goodness

This weekend was one of those weekends you love and wish would NEVER END...Weather was wonderful, sunny and warm. We were busy, but not too busy to take a nap...and we were able to get a little bit of housework done around the house. It was such a nice weekend that I did not even find time to get out my camera and take photos of it until last night after we had a picnic on the grass.

This is K and T watering the lawn in their muck boots. T is quite stylish in a polo and diaper...which is becoming the only way to play in the backyard these days!!! 

What did we do that was so fabby???

Happy Monday!!! 
May you have a fabulous week and wonderful weekend!!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Morning Fun....

Our routine has changed a little in the past month on Mondays. Now that Rob is working Monday-Friday... woo hoo. Monday has become a day to get housework started and possibly done. To get ready for the week and have some fun time with the kiddos. Here is our Monday morning sans (with) photos....

Muck boots and chalk

 Blowing bubbles


Cleaner patio and new succulents to show off on our outdoor coffee table

 Art time...

Roses from the garden

Attempting to make fruit roll ups

Nice morning! One of the best parts about Mondays is that we hang out in our jammies in the we can just hang out and have fun. The kiddos napping and now I can get some work on the computer done...maybe :)

Happy Monday!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Favorites at Four

Awhile back I saw this idea on Pinterest and it made my heart MELT...

 Since Pinterest has been around it seems there have been variations of this idea and I loved the idea of creating something like it with my children. Since mine are not in grade school yet, I decided on the next best thing, which would be to do it on their birthdays each year (I had also seen this on Pinterest, but it has since been removed).

So, now that my oldest, Karis, turned four this year, I knew that this would be the perfect year to get this project started...

LOVE LOVE LOVE how it turned out!!!

And this is how I did it. I took an old vintage chair of my grandmothers and put it in front of one of our only trees in the back yard. A pomegranate tree that my husbands grandparents gave to us when we bought our home. Her outfit was her birthday outfit - cute little madras capris, green top and a Sprinklings beaded necklace and hair accessory from my little shop. The polka dot boots are her current accessory she will not go anywhere without. She was actually wearing them before I took them off her for this photo, so I thought they would be super cute in the photo.

I  took about 20 photos of her at about 6:00 at night and finally settled on this photo for her "Favorites at Four" photo. I sat down and played with the color in Photoshop and then had her sit with me and answer a few questions. It was so fun to do this with her, a special little tradition that I hope to continue with her until she is 18, 25, 35, 45 or 60!

It was a great project and will go perfect in the little scrapbook that I picked up at Joanne's last weekend.

Aside from this being a great start to a memory book for her, another great part is that since the little photo sessions turned out so well, I was able to take the images  to create a triptych of some of her expressions that I plan to print out and display in our home and a thank you card that I can send out to everyone that came to her birthday party.

So far loving the fours...a little dramatic at times...but I have to remember she is a little lady and taking in so much every day!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April Color Fun

I found this gorgeous photo via Pinterest yesterday....

Via Pinterest
I love the vibrant mustard yellows, turquoise and how it is complimented by the cocoa brown and ivory white background. The context of the photo is genius...I wish I could crochet like that. This photo has inspired my "April Color Fun", which I hope to bring into my graphics - custom logos, invites and artwork...and not to mention the re-branding of Everything Modern Designs...stay tuned...

Happy April...we are close to the middle and there is so much fun in store!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Entry Hallway Redo...Number Four

My entry has been through a few different changes ...and I am happy to say that it will most likely happen again and again. My husband jokes that we are loosing square footage due to all of the painting that I do...adding one more coat on top of the next! Oh well, you have to paint when the mood strikes you and when a paint color can put a smile on your face...I am all about that!!!

 Entry incarnation # 2 (I do not have photos of #1)
There have been a few different transformations of color that the entry has been through. I LOVE the color green, so I felt the need to paint the entry a sage tone with white accents. I have been loving white accents for the past two years it seems. I had also been loving fabrics with stripes and greens and blues in different hues and I was all about the black and white photos, especially with my kiddos in them!

 Incarnation # 3
I started to notice other blogs and wanted to add some blues in my house...before this I was all about different shades of green, so blue was a new challenge for me to decorate with (there have been some misses). The bench is a hand me down from my parents that I painted white, the mirror is also a hand me down and the frames are ones that I have had forever, they were black and I painted them white. My ultimate thought with the bench was that I was going to one day make bench cushions...but that never happened! 


 Incarnation # 4 - My favorite so far! 
I moved the bench outside and brought in my handy and trustworthy Pier One console table from a million year ago. It is a great shape and size for our entry, it is a small entry and the half round shape of the table is a prefect fit. I kept my mirror and white frames, but added some AMAZING new photos of the kiddos that a wonderful photographer by the name of Tanya Smith did for us before the winter holiday...LOVE LOVE LOVE her work! The wall color is the same as the last incarnation and really works with the color in the photography - a soft and subtle contrast. Pulled out one of my favorite water pitchers and put some super cute faux pink blossom flowers I found at Joannes last week. I also put some additional family photos (frames were on clearance and I painted the white one)  with some IKEA vases I picked up a few years ago. 

I love the fresh feeling that the entry gives right now. I always walk by it and smile. I love seeing beautiful photography of the kids looking back at me, the fresh and soothing blue color of the walls and the pretty pink blossoms that pop in front of the soothing wall color! I am so excited for the spring time and this little area is getting me ready! How about you???

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Little Girls Rooms...Inspiration

It's that time again...time to redecorate my daughter's bedroom! 

First of all let me say that I LOVE my daughters room the way that it is, however, I went to home fabrics a few weeks ago and found the most precious fabric. I could not help but purchase several yards of it and with that yardage purchased, let the redesign begin! 

I have been on Pinterest lately to look for ideas for her bedroom focusing on storage, artwork, paint colors and above all the "wow" factor to continue the design process. This is what I have seen that I am loving for little girls rooms so far...

There are so many different aspects of each room that I love. I do see a common theme from most of these photos...STORAGE, and how it can look cute and be functional. From the super cute wardrobe storage for dress up, to the fun primary colors and the tissue poofs...I think I have a few ideas from these photos that I can use as inspiration for a little re-design in her bedroom! Wish me luck!!! 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

{Projects, projects, projects} are a few little projects going on around the house!!! 

To start off - I am working on organizing, designing and implementing a much more attractive and functional front living room which is also our office space for the hubby and me. One of the first things that I have done is taken of the frames that we have around the house and made a gallery wall of challenge is to paint all the frames black and select some new photographs of some of our favorite vacations (not sure if I am going to do color photos, manipulated color photos or black and white (what do you think)? ...One wall is currently a soft I think ALL the walls will be painted that color as well...More to come!!!

This is my current office chair - a damaged chair from a past design project...just love it because it was FREE (kind of), has a really cool zebra wood affect on the back and the arms and I love the modern square arms on it too! I just need to find a fabric that I LOVE and then I must upholster it! (I currently have a piece of wood as the seat...not even secured...but it sure is comfy)!


Lastly...this is another little project that I have been working on - a sideboard for our kitchen/dining area. Will be housing our current microwave and hopefully give us a little more storage! Just need to put it together...paint it, stain it and figure out if it will
really be functional!!!

So many little time...and so many ideas for other areas of the house that I want to work on too!!! Did I mention that I found new fabric for both kiddos rooms???

Next week I am going to share a tutorial on DIY burlap artwork and share with you the recipe tab of our family binder!!! Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Starting the year off organized...

I really don't make resolutions for a new year...I typically am back to the old ways within a week or too!!! With that in mind, I am taking a step to help our family become more least this is a concept that I am going to "TEST" out for the month of January and see if it works for us!!! 

My hope is that our new family binder will help our little family be more organized in our scheduling, tasks and fun! I have cruised the web this past week to see if I could find something that I could just order, it would be sent to me and I would be on my way to an organized life...but all I found were really great bits and pieces and a lot of ideas from different blogs on how to achieve this organization theory. After doing some researching I decided to put my own family organizational binder together. I am planning on using January as our "TEST" month to see if it does actually help in all of our organizational needs.

These are the items that I purchased to complete the binder:
- 3 Ring White Binder
- Set of 12 white tabs (I used left over address labels to print out my tabbed sections and placed them on the tabs).
- Pencil Holder (This was one that the kids had around the house...looking for something prettier...but this will do for the time being)
- My paperwork for organization - monthly calendar, calendar by week, menu for the month, grocery list (I made these in Illustrator to fit what I think our needs are and so I could choose my own color and design!)

Here are a few snapshots of the binder thus far...

 Front cover - made the front page in Illustrator using a pattern that I made up and a cute little font that states the purpose of the binder...

 My super cute pencil holder! Houses a pencil, few pens, highlighter, post-its and an architectural scale! 

Some of the tabs that I am using - I have left a few blank at the end so I can add as I go...

 I have labeled the tabs so far as follows - Family Calendar (full month view and week by week), Menu (Monthly Menu Plan and Grocery List), Cleaning, Karis-School, Blogging, Karis Kisses, Goals and Receipts. I am a work in progress so I have only filled out the first portion of our calendar, added all of Karis' important preschool paperwork (who knew), and a great blogging format I found Living Locurto.

 My attempt at the monthly we go!!!

 My day to day calendar so far for the first week. I have included "Goals for the Week" along with space for each day of the week - incorporating family schedule and things I would like to get done around the house and for my crafty businesses when the kiddos are napping :)

 I hope to continue to share how the family binder is going through the month of January and if I find that it helps (I hope that it will) I will share February designs with you!!! 
My next item to complete is the monthly menu...hopefully if all goes well and I can actually plan a menu for the entire month (I will go for week right now...) I will share it with you!!!

 Thanks for stopping by!