It is crazy to think that I have not posted on here since early May. I have been feeling a little guilty lately not posting anything on the blog, but have also realized that there are number of things that have been going on around here and blogging has just not been one of them. I do, however, feel that blogging is a creative expression and something that I should do weekly, just to get the wiggles out, share something that is amazing, or hopefully share a tutorial now and then. I love to look at blogs - so what not put some creativity in my own?
This first post back is dedicated to what has been going on family and business wise. What the home looks like is a completely different post, since I am still in the process of figuring out what I am doing around the house...
We had birthdays for our little ones - celebrating our little girl turning 4 and our little man turning 2. We enjoyed time at the beach for the little mans birthday on top of the in town celebrations - which was a much needed get away for our little family.
Karis, 4 years old
Tyler, 2 years old |
I still find it simply amazing that we have two children. I am amazed that they are learning something new everyday and teaching me something new everyday too. I am amazed that my little girl is going to preschool in a few weeks and Tyler is no longer a baby, but a toddler.
We have had dance classes and swim lessons to keep us going. We have had stay at home vacation days to just hang out and have been loving the Olympics has been on for the past week.
Side job work has been busy. So busy that I decided to take the month off from making hair accessories in July to try and get some things done around that house white the kiddos were napping. I got a few walls painted and choose to play with kids the rest of the time.
Karis Kisses Boutique
The side job work of graphic design for logos has been pretty intense as well. I think I took the time from closing down my hair accessory shop to work on logos for clients and get a little house painting in on the side.
Everything Modern Designs |
Although it seems from this post that there has been a lot going on, and there has, there have also been days where it is considered a Jammy Day...which tend to be my favorite!
So my goal for the week to work up a new blog post and hopefully it will continue for weeks to come!
Happy Monday all!