Thursday, August 8, 2013

Homework center for the new year ahead!

Life in our home is about the change...our little girl is entering the school system, five days a week, from 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM. INSANE!!! And our little guy is entering nursery school. He will be playing, learning and making new friends two times a week, every week. It is such a bittersweet time right now. We are so excited that they are going to have these new challenges and opportunities. But, at the same time, we are realizing that our babies are becoming kids...and not our babies anymore. Thankfully we have our youngest still in diapers, so we still have someone to baby for right now!   

We have been working on site words, numbers, ABC's and name writing in preparation for this big, amazing change of life. 

In all of the summer commotion I realized that we do not have a true homework area for our kids. A place that we can have them work on homework, arts and crafts and learning that does not disturb the dining room table. 

Thankfully Pinterest is around to give me some amazing ideas for a homework/craft area for the kids. And by amazing ideas, there are so many I am on overload. But here below are some of my favorites that I hope to incorporate into an area my children can go to learn, feel comfortable to challenge themselves and let us help them out with this new adventure.

 {Create It and They Will Come: Playful Learning Spaces} *the little changes we make in our children’s spaces can make a big difference in creativity

                   @Molly Simon Simon Balint thinking of your home + kiddos when I saw this!  a magical place called the land of nod

Charlotte love: Pastel & Neon - 91 magazine

What a great idea for playing games and being able to keep score.

Cheerful, bright colors for playroom.

So there are some thoughts...Hope to have a concepts layed out before school starts in a week!!!
Check back next week!!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

New to the Shop!!!

Hello there!!! Long time no see in blog land! Many wonderful and fabulous things have happened since winter baby (5 months now), celebrated a 5 year old and 3 year old's birthday (detail to come), and doing our best to keep all in order and enjoy the last summer before big kid school starts for our oldest!!! 

Great things are coming to the shop Everything Modern be sure to go and check it out and let me know what you think! Wanted to share these two cute chevron party invitation designs that I worked on this weekend...

They are currently available to be printed and shipped and will hopefully later this week be available for immediate download and customization (so you can purchase them at midnight and print them from your home computer and have them in the mail the next day!). How awesome would that be???

I am going to do my best to post here at least one time a week. I have so many ideas that I want to share and things that I have found helpful as a mom, wife, designer and party planner!!! 

Have a wonderful week and check back next week!!! 
